Archive for February, 2008

Right vs. Wrong (observation, not explanation)

24 February, 2008

While it is true that there are no wrong answers, I think it is safe to say that this morning, coffee is definitely the Right Answer.

It’s 6am, the Hardman is downing weety-bix with yoghurt and blueberries, and I am in the land of sweet, sweet coffee.

Love and hugs to the Crumpeters of last night – and apologies for my speedy exit.

I have a collection of thoughts and radio songs from the trip home, and I will endeavour to get them onto teh inca-nets at some time soon.

An Open Letter

22 February, 2008

Everyone seems to be getting into these Open Letters nowadays… There’s plenty of curdling and backchat that could be made about the concept, but instead I’m just going to add to the noise with my own….

An open letter to Drew from Toothpaste for dinner:

Dude, FFS, give me an RSS feed! Seriously!!!

So, where have I been?

19 February, 2008

A fair question.

I’ve been in the same place I’ve always been, there’s just been more going on.

I’ve adopted a new role (albeit without a formal Job Description yet, grrr), and am coming to terms with the new workload/flow.

Last year I was a Dev Support person, and it was pretty simple – things would break and I would fix them, people would want a report and I would code the SQL for it. Simple. But now I am managing projects – I am pro-actively chasing things down, having ideas (!), and managing my own timelines and expectations, organising meetings, managing peoples. It all takes alot more effort, and I just don’t have the time during the day to put together a whole blog post.

Sure, I twitter a bit, but nothing particularly clever. And I never usually have a chunk of time when I am at home either. Except tonight, as the Kym has headed out to see Juno with Meglet, and the Hardman is having a well-earned sleep.

So anyways, I am trying to at least gather my thoughts during the day, and hopefully I can organise something, even if it’s just once a week. Things should definately improve once the business moves office, as I’ll be on the train every day. All I’ll need then is a laptop for the transit – I’d better email Helpdesk now to get that started.

Anywho, I’ve got some washing to sort out, a kitchen to clean, and two fingers of single malt to get through. So be well, and implement a backup solution today.


Best. Spam. Ever.

18 February, 2008

So, I just got this in the gmail:

Dear Gizo,

This is my new email address. Please write me messages! I hope yourleg is feeling better.


Big Willie Style


Dear Big Willie Style,Thanks for your concern. Ironically, my leg got worse yesterday – it now has a purple blotch on it, which sometimes stings a little.Don’t worry though, my dear friend Willie; I will be keeping an eye on it, and will take myself off to the Doctor before it gets out of hand.Be well, and don’t be a stranger.gizo 

Is there life on Mars?

17 February, 2008

Honesty, there’s probably a hundred blog posts with that same title, all about the same thing as this.

I’m just playing around with MarsEdit. Maybe it’s a big premature, but Mr Crumpet keeps on biggin’ it up, so I’m having a play with it.

Plenty to learn, plenty to learn. I’ll want to be learning some shortcuts before I can really get into the swing of it. I do like how it automatically puts the URL from my clipboard straight into the link when I hit Apple+Shift+A.

Anywho, the sun is melting the backyard, I have washing to hang, and The Hardman is resenting his afternoon nap.

a quick thought…

17 February, 2008

…as The Hardman runs around the house this morning, screaming his little precious lungs out, and I mentally prepare myself for digging up concrete from the side of the house, I am listening to more Sufjan Stevens, and smiling……

and then I read this on the twitter… 

Every time you sniff and say somebody has “too much free time,” the part of you that used to love making things for pure joy dies a little.



I don’t make resolutions, but I’m still gonna have a good crack at blogging proper again, and playing my guitars.

Hugs to you all, and be awesome!